Tools Manufacturer Website - MERN Stack
Core Technologies
React.js, Firebase Authentication, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Stripe, JWT, React Form Hook, Vanilla CSS, React Query
Straptools is a manufacturer of strapping tools, providing products worldwide. The website is designed to facilitate easy ordering of strapping tools across three categories: Plastic, Textile, and Steel. Users must log in to purchase, and admins have control over product management and user roles. The website is built with a robust tech stack including React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and Firebase Authentication.
Users Pages and Features
- Login Required for Purchases: Users must log in to buy products.
- Product Quantity Selection: Users can select product quantity during purchase, limited by available stock.
- Add Review: Users can submit reviews for products via the 'Add Review' page.
- My Orders Page: Users can view their orders and choose to make payments or cancel products.
- My Profile Page: Users can view and update their profile information.
- Responsive Design: Fully optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Stripe Payment Integration: Secure payments processed via Stripe.
Admin Pages and Features
- Manage Users: Admins can view all users and promote users to 'Admin'.
- Add and Manage Products: Admins can add, edit, or remove products from the inventory.
- Order Management: Admins can confirm or cancel orders.
- Role-Based Permissions: Admins have access to advanced management tools.
Security Features
- Firebase Authentication: Secure login system using Firebase.
- JWT-Based Authentication: Token-based authentication to protect user sessions.
- Role-Based Access Control: Different functionalities for users and admins.
- Secure Payment Processing: Payments handled through Stripe for secure transactions.
Straptools offers a comprehensive platform for strapping tool manufacturers, providing secure and efficient product management, user authentication, and payment processing. With role-based access control, the platform ensures a seamless experience for both regular users and administrators.